From conviction

Corporate responsibility

As a company, we bear responsibility – for our employees, but also for customers and business partners and the region in which we operate.


Sustainable growth

As a company, we bear responsibility – for our employees, but also for our customers and business partners and the region in which we operate. They all trust us to work solidly and sustainably, and thus create the basis for  keeping our promises and commitments into the futire.

We create and maintain this basis through forward-looking corporate management. We invest specifically in the maintenance and modernisation of the facilities and technology. In this way, we avoid disruptions in the operating processes and strengthen the security of supply for our customers.

The positive development of our company secures long term jobs in the long term in a wide variety of professions – not only for us, but also in the region for the companies that benefit from our orders.

In this way, our success also contributes to the sustainable growth of the region and of local companies and strengthens our position on the market.


Reliable partner

Long-term, trustworthy and reliable cooperation is more important to us than short-term savings or profits. That is why we rely on long-term contracts as well as close and trusting cooperation with all partners.

Thanks to the regional procurement strategy and close cooperation with associations and organisations, we have personal relationships with forest owners as well as with customers, service providers and other business partners. Flat hierarchies and fast decision-making processes support the cooperative partnership.

Together with integrated and self-sufficient production, we thus ensure supply security for our customers even in difficult economical times.


Active responsibility

For us, responsibility encompasses more than just dealing with our employees and partners: as the European market leader for Euro pallets, one of the largest sawmills in Germany and one of the most important producers of biofuels in Germany, we are aware of our responsibility in the market. We consciously strive for high standards for sustainable and high-quality products and help to develop them further. To this end, we are involved in associations and their committees. We are pioneers when it comes to implementing high standards such as the ENplus requirements for biofuels.

At the same time, we strive to consume fewer resources by optimising our processes. For example, we supply petrol stations with wash plates, where wash water and rainwater are collected in several pre-treatment basins, cleaned and recycled.